martes, 17 de diciembre de 2013

Overview and Analysis of Practices with Open Educational Resources in Adult Education in Europe

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OER4Adults aimed to provide an overview of Open Educational Practices in adult learning in Europe, identifying enablers and barriers to successful implementation of practices with OER.
This report presents an overview and analysis of Open Educational Practices for Adult Learning in Europe. It is a contribution to the construction of a knowledge base on Opening up Education and is part of a wider scientific agenda on ICT and Learning being developed at IPTS, mainly in collaboration with DG Education and Culture.

The project drew on data from four main sources:
OER4Adults inventory of over 150 OER initiatives relevant to adult learning in Europe
Responses from the leaders of 36 OER in itiatives to a detailed SWOT survey
Responses from 89 lifelong learners and adult educators to a short poll
The Vision Papers on Open Education 2030: Lifelong Learning published by IPTS

Analysis revealed 6 tensions that drive developing practices around OER in adult learning and that structure the paper:
Open versus free
Traditional versus new approaches
Altruism versus marketisation
Community versus openness
Mass participation versus quality
Add-on versus embedded funding

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