Nuevo número especial "
Aprendizaje basado en juegos como habilidades transferibles para el siglo 21: Retos y Oportunidades" de la revista
Educational Technology & Society - 2014, Vol. 17, Issue 1.
2014, Vol. 17, Issue 1
Special Issue on "Game Based Learning for 21st Century Transferable Skills: Challenges and Opportunities"
Guest Editor(s): Francesco Bellotti, Rosa Maria Bottino, Baltazar Fernández-Manjón and Rob Nadolski
Special Issue Articles
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Guest Editorial: Game Based Learning for 21st Century Transferable Skills: Challenges and Opportunities
Francesco Bellotti, Rosa Maria Bottino, Baltazar Fernández-Manjón, Rob Nadolski
| Pages 1-2 | | [48 Kb] | 186 |
Learning When Serious: Psychophysiological Evaluation of a Technology-Enhanced Learning Game
Ben Cowley, Martino Fantato, Charlene Jennett, Martin Ruskov, Niklas Ravaja
| Pages 3-16 | ABSTRACT | [521 Kb] | 177 |
Game-Based Assessment of Persistence
Kristen E. DiCerbo
| Pages 17-28 | ABSTRACT | [419 Kb] | 122 |
Undertaking an Ecological Approach to Advance Game-Based Learning: A Case Study
Mamta Shah, Aroutis Foster
| Pages 29-41 | ABSTRACT | [270 Kb] | 100 |
An Investigation of the Interrelationships between Motivation, Engagement, and Complex Problem Solving in Game-based Learning
Deniz Eseryel, Victor Law, Dirk Ifenthaler, Xun Ge, Raymond Miller
| Pages 42-53 | ABSTRACT | [221 Kb] | 136 |
Multi-User Virtual Environments Fostering Collaboration in Formal Education
Nicoletta Di Blas, Paolo Paolini
| Pages 54-69 | ABSTRACT | [719 Kb] | 94 |
Invited Articles
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E-learning in School Education in the Coming 10 Years for Developing 21st Century Skills: Critical Research Issues and Policy Implications
Siu Cheung Kong, Tak-Wai Chan, Patrick Griffin, Ulrich Hoppe, Ronghuai Huang, Kinshuk, Chee Kit Looi, Marcelo Milrad, Cathleen Norris, Miguel Nussbaum, Mike Sharples, Wing Mui Winnie So, Elliot Soloway, Shengquan Yu
| Pages 70-78 | ABSTRACT | [167 Kb] | 150 |
Case Studies
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Changing Pedagogy for Modern Learners – Lessons from an Educator’s Journey of Self-Reflection
Terry Taylor
| Pages 79-88 | ABSTRACT | [104 Kb] | 97 |
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